Introducing House of Queens

House of Queens
8 min readFeb 15, 2022

The ‘House of Queens’ project is an NFT collection of 10,000 unique ERC-721 tokens launching on the Ethereum Blockchain. The presale launch will be on February 16th and the public launch will be on March 2nd. Each Queen NFT represents a unique, diverse and powerful representation of women from all walks of life who deserve respect and recognition. The collection generated with 10 different traits and over 400 different attributes.

Our mission is to create an educational structure that supports, guides, and empowers women to learn and succeed in the space. We envision a world where extraordinary women, who may have not had the opportunity otherwise, become part of the web3 revolution.

We stand by two main philosophies; to empower women who want to become part of the blockchain movement and to help support women from all over the world to become independent and go-to people in their field of expertise. We aim to bring diversity and inclusivity in the NFT space. To accomplish these goals we will be hosting IRL and metaverse events. For example, we plan to host exclusive workshops in metaverse platforms like Altspace VR. We intend to add innovative utility to our collection.
We will teach our holders artistic skills like music production and DJing.
They’ll be able to host events and perform in virtual concerts.

Queen Anne Marie from 1:1 Queens of the Ocean collection (SOLD OUT)

The House of Queens NFT will give holders access to community. Queen holders own the IP and commercial rights their queen. They’ll be able to use their profile pics as avatars, in both 2D and 3D. Our hope is that the NFTs faithfully represent our holders’ personas, that it’ll reflect their inner strength and talents. That it’ll help them discover the brilliant women in all of us. Since we focused on community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance. We decided to create our Burning Man Camp in 2022. Because at the Burn, everyone is expected to participate. Our goal is encouraging everyone in our community to participate and create meaningful and life-long friendships. Additionally, we plan to leverage the power of education by creating an educational platform in which our token holders will have exclusive access.

As the web3 space evolves we are committed to evolving with it, to provide our community and token holders the maximum opportunity to grow in knowledge and real-life experiences. We are excited to continue to reveal more and more details about how we plan to do this, including a metaverse integration in which individuals can interact in a House of Queens decentralized world.

Queen JLO from 1:1 Queens of the Ocean collection (SOLD OUT)

How was House of Queens created?

Bouquet, also known as Queen Meta, is the creator and founder of House of Queens. Bouquet is a Turkish artist with 13 years of designing experience. She fully embodies a queen. She put her heart and soul in this collection.

Last year, she was researching and learning about NFTs and finishing a Game of Thrones episode, she has always been inspired by strong, persistent, inquisitive, and quietly and intensely determined Daenerys character in the show. She wanted to empower to be bold, to dream big, and to embrace. It was evident to her that the problem she had been advocating for within the NFT world was the same problem within in crypto. This was a massive opportunity for women since in web3 there is a lower barrier to entry- there is a myriad of options to join the space. Understanding the vast opportunities present, Bouquet tried to find a way to become the bridge in helping women join the NFT space. This realization was the conception of House of Queens— an inclusive community built to encompass the mission and values that women can succeed and excel in web3 through community and education. She released her genesis 1:1 collection of Queens of the Ocean to introduce her collection. Queens of the Ocean collection was sold out within 72 hours.

Queen Monica from 1:1 Queens of the Ocean (SOLD OUT)

Our Mission:

HOQ mission is to build an inclusive community through its collection and we want to be part of the change and invest in a project that is devoted to giving back to all the holders no matter their gender, where they’re from, or who they are. To do this HOQ are extensively allocating:

  • A community fund will be established that will be directed towards supporting creators that want to make valuable contributions to the NFT space. Our primary goal is the ability to support our community.
  • Developing an educational platform with the objective of providing education about the world of NFTs and music. We believe education and knowledge is the biggest tool and the best way to give back to our community.
  • HOQ intend to add innovative utility to our collection. For example, we plan to host exclusive workshops in metaverse platforms like Altspace VR. We will teach our holders artistic skills like music production and DJing. They’ll be able to host events and perform in virtual concerts.
  • The House of Queens NFT will give holders access to community. They’ll be able to use their profile pics as avatars, in both 2D and 3D.
  • Our hope is that the NFTs faithfully represent our holders’ personas, that it’ll reflect their inner strength and talents. That it’ll help them discover the brilliant women in all of us. There are still lots of things to improve, but we are taking this as an opportunity to learn and build a better future.
  • Since we focused on community, art, self-expression, and self-reliance. We decided to create our Burning Man Camp in 2022. Because at the Burn, everyone is expected to participate. Our goal is encouraging everyone in our community to participate and create meaningful and life-long friendships.
  • We are committed to supporting our community members and to do this for our next edition we will be looking within to help support artists and creators that are part of our community.
  • 5% of the initial mint will go to a “Donation fund” where token holders will decide what charities we will donate to, to further our cause. The requirement for the charities is that they revolve around helping bridge the gap for more women in the web3 space. Our mission is to help grow an ever-expanding women base to join the NFT and Crypto space. Our hope is to enable ample opportunities for all women that are interested, throughout the world, to become a part of the experience.
Queen of the Dawn from 1:1 Queens of the Ocean (SOLD OUT)

The Team:

Bouquet Okcu (Queen Meta) — Founder & Creator

Bouquet is based in New York and was raised in Turkey. She’s passionate about art, driven, caring, lives for feedback, and is hyper-focused building community and helping others. She has been a creative mind since she was a kid. She started her career at Adobe and she continued as a designer in jewelry industry.

Nonetheless, these disparities further motivate her to actively pursue and work towards educating and empowering underrepresented individuals. Ultimately, she is committed to inducing the shift necessary to ensure the equal opportunity of women in the global marketplace. With this current opportunity, she firmly believes every person has a place on the blockchain, and should feel able to partake in this technological and financial revolution at hand. Building longevity for House of Queens is her main goal.

Queens Genesis— Co Designer

She is using elements like typography, illustration, photography and layouts, a designer always has an extremely creative mind that can absorb visual trends and deploy them in fresh and exciting ways.

In her spare time, she loves going on outdoor adventures, including hiking, picnics, and going to the beach. She also enjoys trying new workout classes and volunteering.

She is passionate about supporting and educating women in tech, web3, and NFTs. She believes web3 and financial independence are for everyone and can be achieved through awareness and education.

Ozan Serim— Product Manager

Ozan is based in San Francisco. He is the co-founder of Tribe XR. He is a full-time leader and educator as well as a specialist in Animation and VR. Ozan has worked at Pixar and participated in a movie called Toys Story 2.

He’s driven, optimistic, loves learning new things, well-traveled, and enjoys life. He’s a proven leader of advocating development and authenticity in the tech community.

His mission is to support and ensure the productivity, focus, and success of the Founder and House of Queens. Responsible for strategic initiatives, priorities, internal and external operational outreach.

Evolving technology, web3 platforms, and developing people are his passions and areas of expertise. These skills I have acquired have created a solid foundation that enables him to manage and lead effectively.

Sylvia Lee (Head in The Clouds) Community Lead

She is involved in listening, gathering and sharing community feedback and opinions with the team. She is passionate about uplifting women and gender diverse folks.

Her mission is to continue to grow and lead the vision of House of Queens while ensuring the right culture is nurtured within the community. Having the right culture is her top priority and for her, the right culture is one that is inclusive, is one where everyone feels supported, encouraged, listened and cared for.

VRpunk —Web3 Developer

A crypto enthusiast. Connecting blockchain to real-world applications. He has worked on several high profile projects. The quality of his portfolio is evident.

He has over 5 years of experience in blockchain and over 10 years of VR development experience.

He’s not your typical coder sitting on his computer table sipping-on soda and playing video games… just kidding, he totally is! But he’s an absolute bad-ass coding punk so he has that going for him.



House of Queens

Embracing the power of representation, inclusivity, diversity and equal opportunities, House of Queens features 10,000 unique artworks by @Queen_Meta_ 🎨