House of Queens Ecosystem

House of Queens
4 min readJan 20, 2022

This article intends to cover the future of one of the most stylish and unique collections in the NFT space.


House of Queens is a unique collection of 10,000 NFTs that are generated from a pool of traits with millions of potential combinations designed by @Queen_Meta_ & @Queen_Genesis that will be launched in March 2nd, 2022.

Instead of being guided by influence, we wanted to create a more organic environment in which Bouquet’s art would proliferate.

House of Queens is a community led project around creative art. This means that we will always push for community involvement in our project, but that ultimately, we are fighting to give women a seamless environment to create their art and fulfill their creative visions.

The community will be our number one priority, we are here to create a true community spirit.

The Present

House of Queens has a few things for certain now — A purpose, motivation, and a team that wants the community to benefit from the project.

We are learning so much about our community, and that is what moves us. There are still lots of things to improve, but we are taking this as an opportunity to learn from the past experiences, to build a better future.

The team

@Queen_Meta_ She provides creative direction for House of Queens and ensures all Queens built on perfect creative harmony. She is our Rockstar and our motive for being proud of what we accomplish. Passionate about emerging technologies, art, building unique and custom brand partnerships, and innovation. Bouquet states that she leads by example and never alone, promoting equal powers with the core team and also valuing how important the community is to this process. Building longevity for House of Queens is her main goal.

@Queen_Genesis_ She is using elements like typography, illustration, photography and layouts, a designer always has an extremely creative mind that can absorb visual trends and deploy them in fresh and exciting ways. In her spare time, she loves going on outdoor adventures, including hiking, picnics, and going to the beach. She also enjoys trying new workout classes and volunteering. She is passionate about supporting and educating women in tech, web3, and NFTs. She believes web3 and financial independence are for everyone and can be achieved through awareness and education.

@ozanmeta is based in San Francisco. He is the co-founder of Tribe XR. He is a full-time leader and educator as well as a specialist in Animation and VR. Ozan has worked at Pixar and participated in a movie called Toys Story 2. He’s driven, optimistic, loves learning new things, well-traveled, and enjoys life. He’s a proven leader of advocating development and authenticity in the tech community. His mission is to support and ensure the productivity, focus, and success of the Founder and House of Queens. Responsible for strategic initiatives, priorities, internal and external operational outreach.

@Queen_Kara_ Her duties include performing specialized tasks, managing the team members and establishing relationships with other NFT brands.

@VRpunk — A crypto enthusiast. Connecting blockchain to real-world applications. He has worked on several high profile projects. The quality of his portfolio is evident. He has over 5 years of experience in blockchain and over 10 years of VR development experience. He’s not your typical coder sitting on his computer table sipping-on soda and playing video games… just kidding, he totally is! But he’s an absolute bad-ass coding punk so he has that going for him.

@Furthermore, we have added @Head In The Clouds to the project as an honorary mod/admin based on how important she is to the guidance of this project. She is involved in listening, gathering and sharing community feedback and opinions with the team. She is passionate about uplifting women and gender diverse folks.

We also have our extraordinary mod team, which will be around to guide this community to where we want to take it.

Management overhaul

The House of Queens ecosystem is defending transparency and fairness. With this in mind, we decided to provide a solid output to a community wallet that will fairly pay mods and open opportunities for money being used to further build the project, as well as support other projects.

Intellectual property

As soon as you buy a Queen NFT, you have full copyrights to the token you hold.

We’d love to see some of our holders use their tokens on their business ventures, which truly demonstrates the power of our project.

The options are endless, and our IP rules allow you to do whatever you need to create new horizons and perspectives for your business or personal appliances.

The future

We are still stabilizing the team, as we needed some time to regroup and align our expectations with the overall project and make sure we are taking our community led project forward.

The ecosystem

Our goal with the launch of HOQ is to establish a new paradigm — Our main focus will stop being Fatales, and we will need to focus on our community simultaneously. With this being said, all our future products will be built on top of both of these collections.

This project is a promise to restlessly work towards the education and empowerment of underrepresented individuals in the world of crypto.

Fundamentally, our efforts are invested in bridging the gender gap, aiming to inspire and invigorate more women to participate in the NFT space. Collective and indiscriminate effort facilitates inclusivity.

Empowering the community

This, as said above, is one of our main goals. We want to create ways for us to allow you, the community, to take important decisions regarding the ecosystem. One of those is changing the name of the ecosystem, and we need your help on that.

We are also seeking ways to keep you on notice regarding future collaborations and possible partnerships with other projects. This ecosystem is now a community gathered around creative art, and it would be nothing without any of you.



House of Queens

Embracing the power of representation, inclusivity, diversity and equal opportunities, House of Queens features 10,000 unique artworks by @Queen_Meta_ 🎨